Vere Process

We follow and invest with the talent of managers

Our Vere investment program is a cutting-edge  mutual funds allocation with strategy. It is specifically designed to reveal and incorporate the top talented fund managers into the academic research of modern portfolio theory.


Our strategies lead to very efficient risk-adjusted returns (risk/reward ratio) in order to approach world markets with a global view of the  economies  and  world  events.

Step 1: Asset Allocation

We take a systematic approach to allocate your financial assets. Empirical studies demonstrate that the vast majority of investment returns are attributed to the asset allocation decision. Sound scientific research and disciplined investing is based on modern portfolio theory.

“We chase talent, not return” – Mark Collinsworth, Vere Global CIO

It is not because you have a good recipe that you necessarily have a good meal. The chef is what makes the difference. Asset allocation is the recipe while the manager is the chef for your portfolio and the deciding factor of success.

Step 2:  Search For The Most Talented Managers

Vere Global searches, evaluates, invests and follows the talent of portfolio managers. The managers that make it into our elite program are the best of the best of equities, fixed income, alternatives and hard asset individual securities selection managers. Utilizing research and analysis typically unavailable to a retail investor, our selected portfolio managers have a proven ability to consistently produce above-market rates of returns. We have a very rigorous selection criteria and judiciously implement our process through careful manager selection and comprehensive monitoring of managers. We constantly work hard to keep only the best working for you.

Step 3: Implementation & Monitoring

We allocate our selected managers to their respective asset classes and continuously review and monitor those positions, Vere Global delegates the macro-economic view, tactical positioning, and bottom-up securities selection to each fund manager’s respective area of concentration. We believe this is the gold standard in investing.



Attractive risk / reward characteristics.


We invest in people, not in products.


Fund ownership is a major driving force - managing risk and interest of the investors.


We accurately evaluate by understanding and assessing each managers’ style and capital allocation.


We are 100% objective in our recommendations and true to our clients. Learn More >


Performance is the consequence of the execution of the points above.